Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Forty Years I Endured that Generation"

 Taken from Psalm 95, the full passage says:
Forty years I endured that generation.
I said, "They are a people whose hearts go astray and they do not know my ways."
So I swore in my anger, "They shall not enter into my rest."
 This last stanza from Psalm 95 is recited everyday by many Catholics throughout the world, especially religious priests, brothers and sisters, as the closing lines of the Invitatory to the Divine Office, also known as the Liturgy of the Hours.

In America we are now approaching on January 22, 2013, the 40th anniversary of the famous Supreme Court abortion decision called Roe vs. Wade.   This decision, which struck down certain state laws prohibiting abortion, was a seminal moment in the American journey and has become a key dividing issue in American politics.  It is perhaps the one issue that seems to most define the difference between right and left in America.  Religious authorities such as Pope John Paul II have cited abortion as one of the main platforms in the culture of death,  and the supposed right to an abortion has been a defining plank in the platform of the Democratic Party for decades.  Thus, in the culture war of life vs. death, the Democratic Party has placed itself squarely on the side of the culture of death.  In fact, it is now almost redundant to say that if you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for abortion.  The Pro-Life Democrat is certainly an endangered species, if not already practically extinct.

I fear that if Barack Obama is re-elected president, the words of the Psalm will indeed come true for America and the wrath of God will be upon us.  The reason for this fear is that there are several aging liberal justices on the Supreme Court who will almost certainly retire or die during the next four years.  Breyer and Ginsburg, both Clinton appointees, may retire.  If Obama is re-elected, they will be replaced with liberals and any hope for overturning Roe vs. Wade will be gone for perhaps another generation.

We still have an opportunity on Nov. 6 of this year to turn back the tide of the culture of death of which abortion is the quintessential, representative issue.

President Obama is the most anti-life -- and anti-truth -- president in the history of our country.  His opposition to Illinois Bill S.B 1082 amended by Amendment 1 shows just how anti-life he is.  His and his campaign's attempts to spin, cover up and lie about his stance as a state senator have been exposed by's article.

Some people dismiss this issue of abortion, saying it is not as important as other issues such as unemployment, the dismal state of the economy and foreign policy.  But this view is sorely mistaken.  The right to life is fundamental, the sound basis of our whole political system.  It is the litmus test by which God will judge us as a society and determine whether we will continue as a God-fearing people who enjoy his favor and blessing, or whether disaster will overtake us instead.  God doesn't have to send specific calamities in order to express his wrath.  He can simply allow us to go our own way without his protection and the consequences will be wrath enough.

In America today, life is under attack, marriage is under attack and truth is under attack.  The attacking forces are very clever in disguising their program with the glamor of Hollywood and make it seem "cool."  But cool it is not.

This year's vote is the most important vote in the history of our nation, one that may well decide whether or not our nation survives.  Think long and hard before you vote and, more importantly, pray long and hard before you vote.  Remember the words of the Psalm:

Forty years I endured that generation.
I said, "They are a people whose hearts go astray and they do not know my ways."
So I swore in my anger, "They shall not enter into my rest."

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